
Identify, read and write the letter Bb, and recognize the sound in some words.

"B" Video

Have students interact with it.

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Introduce one at a time with students just listening. Second time, have students repeat the words on the card. Third time, follow the sequence below.

  • Hand out a set of flashcards to students in groups of 6 to play touch game.
  • Have students try and repeat the words of the cards they have ‘won’.
  • Gather the materials back
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"B is for Ball"

Tell students to look at the pictures. Ask them what they see. (The ant is looking at the apple.) Get students to listen to the ‘story’ on this page. Ask a question about the “a” sound. Tell them that is the sound of the letter Aa. Get them to look at the letter Aa. Ask them, “What does the big A look like?” “What does the little a look like?”

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Ba Collage page

Get them to trace with their finger.

Go back to “B is for Ball” page and have students trace the big and small “B” several times. Help them to hold their pencils correctly.

Go back to the Bb collage page and have students cut out small pieces of paper (confetti-size) which they will then glue into the letter shapes to make them special. Alternatively, you can have the students paint inside the lines, glue cotton wool in the lines, or use glitter glue. When it’s done, it can be used as a sensory tool which they can trace with their fingers to practice making the letter shapes.

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“B is for”

This can be done for homework. Have students trace “Bb words” and then draw a picture of something that begins with Bb. Then have them trace and circle the B and b. They can add to the picture below. Also, students can review the pages they did in class with their parents.
