There is a famous zoo in San Diego. It has many beautiful animals.


Singular Nouns

There is
There was
a hospital on Burrard Street.
There is not
There's not
There isn't
There was not
There wasn't
a television in the room.

Plural Nouns

There are
There were
three people at the table.
There are not
There aren't
There were not
There weren't
31 days in April.

Yes / No Questions

Is there
Was there
a party at Dave's house?
Are there
Were there
apples in the tree?

Short Answers

Yes, there is.
there are.
there was.
there were.
No, there is not / 's not / isn't.
there are not / aren't.
there was not / wasn't.
were not / weren't.

How many...?

How many students
are there in your class?
in your city?


We use there is / are to say that something exists or doesn't exist:

There's water in the glass.

There are birds in the tree.

There was a party last night.

There weren't many rainy days in July.


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.

